Don’t Forget the Audience: Operational Planning for Live Entertainment

Session Description

This presentation will give insight into successful operations planning for live entertainment and events in your facility with a focus on highlighting your facility’s core demographic and mission, planning out a guests' experience of your event to best highlight your facility, and tips and tools to best set up your facility for operational success during events and for live entertainment. 

What entertainment is right for your facility? This session will give you insight on how to develop, plan, and execute live entertainment and events that connect with your audience and set your facility up for operational success. Learn best practices and insightful strategies to make sure you are utilizing entertainment styles that highlight what makes your location unique and leaves a lasting impression on your guests’ experience.


  • Alex Crow


 CEUs: N/A

 Session Time: 20 minutes

 Language: American English

 Key Features: Recording of live presentation from IAAPA Expo 2024


Member Status Price
Member* $0
Nonmember $99

*Login to access IAAPA member pricing.

