From Ideation to Award Winning: Stories from IAAPA Award Winners

Session Description

IAAPA Awards celebrate and honor incredible creativity and highlight remarkable people across the industry but what is the spark that ignites the innovation flame? Hear from Winners and Finalists to learn how they challenged themselves and delivered something worthy of being celebrated. From submission to award, this session will discuss the process associated with the IAAPA Honors Program. 

Not all awards are alike- this session will deep dive into Hall of Fame, Brass Ring, young Professional, Exhibitor, and Service Awards.


  • Jennifer Paul, Director of Entertainment & Events, Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts


 CEUs: N/A

 Session Time: 20 minutes

 Language: American English

 Key Features: Recording of live presentation from IAAPA Expo 2024


Member Status Price
Member* $0
Nonmember $99

*Login to access IAAPA member pricing.

