Be Customer Centric: From Reactiveness to Proactiveness

Session Description

This session provides a comprehensive approach to quality management of customer service in the context of an attraction. It covers the following key modules listed below.

  1. Reactive: We currently decide on the product and set quality standards without focusing on specific customer needs.
  2. Segmentation and Standards: Identify distinct customer segments, map out their journey, and establish tailored quality standards.
  3. Physical Implementation: Translate this strategy into tangible actions: streamline operations and enhance service experiences within the park.
  4. Feedback: Incorporate regular surveys and daily feedback mechanisms as a continuous quality assessment.


  • Coen Bertens, Coen Bertens Consultancy, Owner

  • Marc Donadios, Port Aventura Entertainment, S.A.U., Customer Experience Manager


 CEUs: N/A

 Session Time: 60 minutes

 Language: American English

 Key Features: Recording of live presentation from IAAPA Expo Europe 2023


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Member* $0
Nonmember $99

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