IAAPA Certified Attractions Professional (ICAP) Nonmember Study Guide

Test you knowledge. Build your confidence. And get exam-day ready.

Introducing our ICAP Study Guide. Know what to expect on exam day: Become familiar with exam content, question format, wording and sample content in advance. Complete your study plan and boost your readiness - take the exam with confidence, because you'll be better prepared for success.

What's included

  • Sample test questions
  • Full glossary of terms
  • Self-assessment by domain


Member Status Price
*Member $99
Nonmember $199

*Are you an IAAPA member? Click here to access the IAAPA member study guide.

This Guide is copyrighted work of the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA). It provides an overview of the IAAPA Certified Attractions Professional (ICAP) certification exam, and includes resources, sample test questions, and self-assessments broken down by Certification Domain. While we hope you will find this to be a useful tool in your exam preparation, please note that IAAPA provides the Guide as-is, with no warranties regarding its contents or that its use will result in achievement of certification. Upon payment of the $99 you will receive a license to download the Guide and to use it solely for your own personal review and preparation for the ICAP exam. You may not otherwise use, reproduce, distribute, sell, or share the Guide or any portions of it. By purchasing and/or downloading the Guide, you agree to these terms for its use. By using this document, you agree to waive any claim against IAAPA if you do not pass a certification exam; and you acknowledge that you understand this information.

24 Month Access - Nonmember Price $199.00
