Welcome to IAAPA's Certification Application Portal
Congratulations on taking the steps to earn an IAAPA Certification! Now that you understand the programs and have determined you are eligible to apply, the application portal will walk you through each part of Step Two, where you can submit your payment, provide the required supporting documentation, and complete the application. The application portal also includes links and helpful resources to assist with your certification journey.
1. Submit the IAAPA Application Fee
Submitting your application fee through IAAPA's secure online portal is the first step on your journey. Select the certification program for which you would like to apply.
Not sure which certification is right for you? Learn more by visiting IAAPA's Certification page.
2. Complete the Application
Once the application fee is processed, your application will be unlocked, providing you access to your application. Access to your IAAPA Certification Application can be found in My Learning Account in Files & Training.
To ensure your application is approved, be sure to read and complete each section and submit all required supporting documentation. The online application includes four areas, and ALL sections are required before reviewing and considering your application. If you need more information about program eligibilty before completing your application read IAAPA's Certification Handbook.
3. Application Confirmation
Applicants will receive a confirmation within seven days confirming receipt of their application; however, please allow for up to thirty days for applications to be reviewed and processed.
4. Sit for the Examination
Applicants will receive an email once their application has been processed, providing the application's status and if approved, a link to schedule their exam with our examination testing partner Examity. After approval into the program you will be redirected back to the IAAPA Certification Application Portal to:
- Register for a micro-exam
- Reschedule an exam
- Register for an exam retake
Interested in learning about how the examinations are structured? Review the the ICAP and ICAE examination syllabi.
Test your knowledge. Build your confidence. And get exam-day ready.
Introducing our ICAP Study Guide. Know what to expect on exam day: Become familiar with exam content, question format, wording and sample content in advance. Complete your study plan and boost your readiness—take the exam with confidence, because you’ll be better prepared for success. Learn more.
IAAPA Pre-Approved Training Provider Program
The IAAPA Pre-Approved Training Provider Program, developed and managed by IAAPA, promotes the consistency of attractions industry training by qualifying courses that align to IAAPA's CBOK (Common Body of Knowledge) and adult education best practices. Learn more.

Have questions about starting your IAAPA Certification journey? Contact Alissa DeMeglio.