Available until July 1, 2020 - Ending Soon! Finish Your Courses While You Can...
eLearning provides an efficient path to rapidly educate employees about preventing the spread of coronavirus, as well as how to work and manage tasks remotely. Below is a list of complimentary courses about coronavirus preparedness, infection control, pandemic planning, and remote working strategies. Please use them to help you and your employees reduce their exposure and spread of the virus.
To view one or more of the courses below, simply click the link Take this course after each one to add it to your shopping cart. You will be required to Login or Register.
IAAPA's online course account is separate from your IAAPA member account, and is available to members and nonmembers. New users are required to register for an account before proceeding. IAAPA members should use their member number as their password. Nonmembers should create a unique password of their own.
For questions or assistance with your account login or password please contact Rena Quinata at
Coronavirus Precautions and Prevention: Coronavirus Preparedness
The emergence and spread of COVID-19, or the coronavirus, is a worldwide concern. If you're not under quarantine, there's a chance you could be at some point. So it's important to start collecting items for a coronavirus preparedness kit. This is just like any other emergency kit you might have, like one for a major earthquake in your area or getting stuck in a blizzard in your car. It's a way to be prepared ahead of time, before there's a run on supplies. So let's talk about what your kit should include.
Subtitles available in: European Spanish, European Portuguese, Thai, American English, Chinese (Simplified), Canadian French, European French, and German.
Course duration - approximately 4 minutes.
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Coronavirus Precautions and Prevention: Stay Calm, Stay Informed
There's a lot of information out there that might make you anxious about a coronavirus pandemic. But while it's important to be prepared and prevent the virus's spread as much as possible, it's also important to keep some perspective. There have been far deadlier viruses that have spread more widely throughout human history, and with the benefit of modern science and medicine, we will do much better than in the past. In this course, we'll talk through what exactly we know about the virus and any treatment options currently being developed. We'll also discuss where to find the most accurate, up-to-date information. Lastly, we'll touch on the impact of the coronavirus on the global economy.
Subtitles available in: European Spanish, European Portuguese, Thai, American English, Chinese (Simplified), Canadian French, European French, and German.
Course duration - approximately 7 minutes.
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Coronavirus Precautions and Prevention: Travel Safely
The coronavirus, COVID-19, spreads more easily the more people are grouped together, so you can imagine how busy airports, city buses, and subways pose the greatest risk of infection. The virus is capable of spreading very quickly, and has reached several thousand confirmed cases, most notably in places like Italy, Iran, South Korea, and China. The effects vary from person to person, but of course, you should take every precaution to avoid infection. With all that in mind, let's talk about travel. In this program, we'll discuss when to cancel travel plans, proper travel hygiene, and what to do if there's a quarantine.
Subtitles available in: European Spanish, European Portuguese, Thai, American English, Chinese (Simplified), Canadian French, European French, and German.
Course duration - approximately 6 minutes.
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Coronavirus Preparedness for Employers and Employees
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which may cause illness in animals or humans. In humans, several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. The most recently discovered coronavirus causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This course will tell you about simple steps you can take to stay healthy and prevent the spread of the virus and disease.
Course duration - approximately 30 minutes.
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Coronavirus: COVID-19
Coronaviruses aren't new to us. There are different types that can present with respiratory or gastrointestinal symptoms. The 2019 Novel Coronavirus was first discovered in a group of pneumonia patients who also had contact with a seafood and live animal market. Sometimes these diseases can spread from animals to humans in what the medical community calls a "spillover." We don't yet know the origin of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus, or exactly how it's transmitted, but we're quickly gathering information on transmission and symptoms, which we'll provide in this program. We'll also discuss ways to prevent infection.
Subtitles available in: European Spanish, European Portuguese, Thai, American English, Chinese (Simplified), Canadian French, European French, and German.
Course duration - approximately 3 minutes.
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Crisis Management
Prevent a workplace crisis before it spirals out of control. This course will teach you how to establish a plan and respond in an emergency before it escalates. Set backs are inevitable, it's how you handle them that can make a difference.
This comprehensive Crisis Management course includes 4 types of content that fall into the categories of Look, Think, Practice and Remember. These sections include videos, questions and a summary of key points. We will discuss the importance of responding quickly when a crisis strikes and communicating with your team and other relevant parties. You'll learn the benefit of having a plan in place for a quicker resolution. Pass the practice questions throughout to demonstrate your knowledge of course material.
Subtitles available in: European Spanish, Italian, British English, Chinese (Simplified), and Hungarian.
Course duration - approximately 30 minutes.
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Coronavirus Precautions and Prevention: Common Sense Hygiene
You've heard of COVID-19, or the coronavirus, and its rapid spread around the globe. Perhaps one of the first things that came to mind was, "How do I prevent myself and my family from getting the virus?" This program compiles expert advice on how to prevent the spread of coronavirus and keep yourself and loved ones healthy. We'll talk about how the virus spreads and go over personal and environmental hygiene tips.
Subtitles available in: European Spanish, European Portuguese, Thai, American English, Chinese (Simplified), Canadian French, European French, and German.
Course duration - approximately 9 minutes.
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COVID-19 Precautions: Proper Handwashing Procedure
Respiratory viruses like coronavirus disease (COVID-19) spread when mucus or droplets containing the virus get into your body through your eyes, nose or throat. Most often, this happens through your hands. Hands are also one of the most common ways that the virus spreads from one person to the next. During a global pandemic, one of the cheapest, easiest, and most important ways to prevent the spread of a virus is to wash your hands frequently with soap and water. Here’s everything you need to know about how to wash your hands the right way.
Course duration - approximately 2 minutes.
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COVID-19 Precautions: Social Distancing
Social distancing is a non-pharmaceutical infection prevention and control intervention implemented to avoid/decrease contact between those who are infected with a disease causing pathogen and those who are not, so as to stop or slow down the rate and extent of disease transmission in a community. This eventually leads to decrease in spread, morbidity and mortality due to the disease.
Course duration - approximately 2 minutes.
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TED | How Do Viruses Jump from Animals to Humans? | Ben Longdon
At a Maryland country fair in 2017, farmers reported feverish hogs with inflamed eyes and running snouts. While farmers worried about the pigs, the department of health was concerned about a group of sick fairgoers. Soon, 40 of these attendees would be diagnosed with swine flu. How can pathogens from one species infect another, and what makes this jump so dangerous? Ben Longdon explains.
Subtitles available in: American English, Chinese (Simplified), European Portuguese, Chinese (Traditional), Italian, European Spanish, Turkish, Brazilian Portuguese, Indonesian, Dutch, European French, Japanese, Hungarian, Arabic, Russian, Greek, Hebrew, Croatian, Vietnamese, and Burmese.
Course duration - approximately 5 minutes.
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Infection Control [Including Coronavirus] (UK Version)
Now including information regarding Coronavirus this online course is ideal for work settings where infection control is important. Learners are taken through the chain of infection with high impact animation and challenging interactions. They are introduced to good and bad hand-washing technique with video which reinforces best practice. And, they can explore a typical workplace to locate infection hotspots.
Translated by Google.
Course duration - 30 minutes.
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OSHA - Cold, Flu, and Transmissible Illness Prevention
The purpose of this lesson is to educate learners on actions they can take to prevent contraction of and transmission of cold and influenza viruses, as well as actions to take if they become infected.
Course duration - 8 minutes.
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TED | The Simple Power of Hand-Washing | Myriam Sidibe
Myriam Sidibe is a warrior in the fight against childhood disease. Her weapon of choice? A bar of soap. For cost-effective prevention against sickness, it’s hard to beat soapy hand-washing, which cuts down risk of pneumonia, diarrhea, cholera and worse. Sidibe, a public-health expert, makes a smart case for public-private partnerships to promote clean hands — and local, sustainable entrepreneurship.
Subtitles available in: American English, Italian, Czech, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, European Spanish, Russian, Dutch, Chinese (Traditional), Norwegian, Turkish, Chinese (Simplified), Thai, Polish, Tamil, European French, German, Hungarian, Hindi, Japanese, European Portuguese, Korean, Swedish, Greek, Vietnamese, Romanian, Croatian, Persian, Hebrew, Serbian, Mongolian, and Ukrainian.
Course duration - 12 minutes.
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TED | What We Do (and Don't) Know about the Coronavirus | David Heymann
What happens if you get infected with the coronavirus? Who's most at risk? How can you protect yourself? Public health expert David Heymann, who led the global response to the SARS outbreak in 2003, shares the latest findings about COVID-19 and what the future may hold.
Subtitles available in: American English, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, European Portuguese, Chinese (Traditional), Korean, Russian, Turkish, Chinese (Simplified), Polish, Hungarian, Czech, European Spanish, Persian, Romanian, Burmese, Hebrew, Macedonian, and Marathi
Course duration - approximately 8 minutes.
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Planning for a Pandemic: Business Continuity
Business continuity is the ability to continue to do business regardless of crises, disasters, and other disruptions. Normally these disruptions might be earthquakes, floods, or fires, but pandemics can affect your business in much the same way, even if it's not happening where you live and work. In this program, we'll discuss how to assess the potential impact of a pandemic to your business. We'll go over various disruption scenarios as well as how to create a business continuity plan.
Course duration - approximately 6 minutes.
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Planning for a Pandemic: External Communications
Media presence after and during a pandemic crisis is unavoidable. Reporters report, it's as simple as that. The treatment your company receives by the media and the resulting public opinion, however, is within your control. In this program, we'll go over some best practices for handling media inquiries in the event that a pandemic outbreak affects your company. We'll discuss naming a spokesperson, preparing media statements, holding press conferences, and handling interviews. We'll also cover what should be included in a media kit, how to manage social media, and general tips for communicating with the media.
Subtitles available in: European Spanish, European Portuguese, Thai, American English, Chinese (Simplified), Canadian French, European French, and German.
Course duration - approximately 7 minutes.
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Planning for a Pandemic: Illness in the Office
If a pandemic breaks out in your region of the world, or in a region of the world where you have employees, it could severely impact your staff's lives and ability to work. What do you do in a situation like this? Luckily, there are some steps you can take in your office to prevent the spread of the illness in question, continue operations as much as possible, and stay in line with public health recommendations. We'll go over what preventative measures to take to avoid the spread of illness. We'll also talk about handling sick employees and recommendations for working from home.
Subtitles available in: European Spanish, European Portuguese, Thai, American English, Chinese (Simplified), Canadian French, European French, and German.
Course duration - approximately 10 minutes.
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Planning for a Pandemic: Internal Communications
In the event of a pandemic, one of the most important things you'll need to manage is internal communications with your staff. They may be frightened, worried, or confused about what this event means for both their personal lives and work projects. How are they going to do their jobs? What do you expect of them? Should they come into the office or stay home? And what about your customers? Will their orders be delayed? It's up to your business to have a plan in place for internal communications during a pandemic, so you can answer all these questions for your staff and customers in a timely manner. In this course, we'll discuss how to establish a communication team and communication procedures for a pandemic.
Subtitles available in: European Spanish, European Portuguese, Thai, American English, Chinese (Simplified), Canadian French, European French, and German.
Course duration - approximately 6 minutes.
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Planning for a Pandemic: Preparing for a Pandemic
A pandemic is an epidemic of disease that has spread across a large region. They happen when new diseases emerge that are able to infect people easily and spread from person to person in an efficient and sustained way. Pandemics can affect your business in countless ways and require extensive planning and allocation of resources to reduce risks, minimize damage, and protect the health of your employees and customers. In this course, we'll take a look at how to prepare for a pandemic, including establishing company policies, creating plans for maintaining business operations, and coordinating a communications strategy.
Subtitles available in: European Spanish, European Portuguese, Thai, American English, Chinese (Simplified), Canadian French, European French, and German.
Course duration - approximately 5 minutes.
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Working From Home: Strategies for Remote Employees by Enspark
When imagining telecommuting, many people envision a relaxed day of working at home in their pajamas. However, this probably isn’t the best approach. Telecommuting definitely offers a lot of freedom, but that doesn’t mean you can ignore your work responsibilities. This course will help you decide if telecommuting is a good fit for you and then provide some strategies for being effective as a remote employee.
Subtitles available in:American English
Course duration - approximately 20 minutes.
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Working From Home: Top Tips
In this module we’ll look at some tips for effective remote working from your home. We’ll cover how to create a productive routine and create an inspirational workspace. This short standalone microlearning module will take around 5 minutes to complete, contains a multiple choice quiz and is designed for use on desktop, laptop, mobile and tablet.
Course duration - approximatly 5 minutes.
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Working Remotely by ej4 - eLearning for Business
Research shows that around half of the American workforce holds jobs that are compatible with remote work, meaning they don't need to be in an office to do their jobs. Millions of these people are working from home for at least half of each week. In fact, since 2005, working from home (for those not self-employed) has grown by over 100%. Working remotely offers plenty of benefits, not just to the employee doing the remote work, but to the organization allowing them to do it in the first place. In order to take advantage of those benefits, you need to be a successful remote employee.
Subtitles available in: European Spanish, European Portuguese, Thai, American English, Chinese (Simplified), Canadian French, European French, and German.
Course duration - approximately 7 minutes.
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Leading Virtual Teams - Beginner
The overall goal of this program is to enable managers to learn and apply a practical approach to leading virtual teams. This is an especially important skill because teams are now the fundamental way in which work gets done within organization and teams existing now across geographic areas and meet virtually. Blending best practice and the latest research, our emphasis is on helping managers understand how to lead these dispersed, virtual teams. Upon completion, each learner will have completed a series of exercises that will enable them both to better manage teams in a virtual world.
Closed captions available in: English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese (Simplified), Portuguese (Brazil), Hindi, Japanese, Arabic, and Russian.
Course duration - approximately 56 minutes.
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Leading Teams - Leading and Managing Effective Virtual Teams
Organizations are changing, and so are our offices. The new age millennials are shifting toward the virtual world. More and more organizations use virtual teams to meet corporate goals. This has created the need to determine how best to manage and lead these virtual groups. Traditional methods of managing on-site groups don’t work with remote workers, because virtual teams are most often composed of workers who are spread over a varied geographic and cultural expanse and communicate, for the most part, electronically. Future Workforce Report states that 63 percent of companies utilize virtual workers, but only 57 percent have standards in place to manage the process. In this lesson, you will learn to effectively guide teams that they rarely see face-to-face.
Course duration - approximately 12 minutes.
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Managing Remote Teams
Encouraging personal interactions can be tricky when you are managing a team remotely. This course will explain how you can build relationships between team members, even from a distance. First, you'll learn why creating opportunities for employees to get to know each other is so important. Then, you'll assess the current state of your team’s personal and professional relationships, and discover fun activities you can incorporate into your workday to get team members acquainted with each other. By the end of the course, you will have a better understanding of how you can nurture appropriate work relationships by using a variety of exercises. Successful completion of this course provides you with accreditation equivalent to 1 hour of Professional Development Units (PDU) from the Project Management Institute (PMI).
Course duration - approximately 10 minutes.
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