IAAPA's Ride Safety Report

Webinar Description

This webinar provides an in-depth analysis of IAAPA’s annual Ride Safety Report, offering key insights into industry safety trends and injury data. Conducted in partnership with the National Safety Council, the report gathers injury statistics from amusement facilities worldwide, providing IAAPA members with valuable data to enhance safety standards.

Key findings include:

  • A 47% decrease in injury rates from 2003 to 2021 and continued stability since 2019.
  • Most reported injuries occur on family and adult rides, followed by roller coasters.
  • Industry-wide improvements in safety practices, with increasing participation in injury reporting.

Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of ride safety trends, the importance of accurate reporting, and how data-driven insights contribute to continuous safety improvements in the attractions industry.


  • Michael Shelton, Vice President and Executive Director, IAAPA North America

  • Chris Oliver, Vice President, Universal Creative Engineering & Safety and North America Safety Subcommittee Chair

  • Ken Kolosh, Statistics Manager, Research, National Safety Council


 CEUs: 1.0

 Session Time: 60 minutes

 Language: American English

 Key Features: Recording of live presentation on 02/09/2023


Member Status Price
Member* $0

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