The 21 Secrets for Solving the Food and Beverage Profit Puzzle

Webinar Description

This webinar provides essential strategies for maximizing food and beverage profitability in the attractions industry. Covering 21 key insights, the session emphasizes menu simplification, fresh ingredients over frozen, operational efficiency, and vendor negotiations. Attendees will learn how to streamline kitchen operations, reduce costs, improve food quality, and enhance guest experiences. From eliminating low-margin items to leveraging technology for faster service, this webinar offers practical takeaways for boosting both revenue and customer satisfaction.


  • Michael Holtzman, President, Profitable Food Facilities Worldwide

  • Bernie Campbell, ICAE, MA Regional Vice President Sales, Whirley-Drinkworks!


 CEUs: 1.0

 Session Time: 60 minutes

 Language: American English

 Key Features: Recording of live presentation on 04/26/2022


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Member* $0

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