AI - The Present

Session Description

In this Session, Andreu Tobella from PortAventura World explores how artificial intelligence is reshaping the theme park industry. From its historical roots to the rise of generative AI, Andreo breaks down what AI really is, why it matters, and how it's already impacting operations, guest experiences, and marketing.

He shares real-world examples from PortAventura World, including the development of an AI-powered chatbot and the use of AI in creative design for a new immersive attraction. This session highlights how AI can enhance—not replace—human work, offering new ways to personalize experiences, increase efficiency, and drive innovation in the attractions industry.


  • Andreu Tobella, PortAventura World, Managing Director



 CEUs: N/A

 Session Time: 30 minutes

 Language: American English

 Key Features: Recording of live presentation from IAAPA Expo Europe 09/24/2024


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Member* $0
Nonmember $99

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