Emotions versus Evidence

Course Description

When things start going wrong, how do you stay calm and assess the situation rationally? This course will teach you how to keep emotions from clouding your judgment at work. We will start off by exploring how to keep things in perspective and avoid catastrophizing. Then, we will delve into using empathy to better understand the behavior of unpleasant coworkers. We will explore how looking at the worst-case scenario can actually improve your performance and, finally, we will explain how to avoid jumping to conclusions about how others see you.

By the end of the course, you will have a better understanding of how to balance your emotions with concrete evidence. This can help to maintain your confidence and improve your interpersonal relationships during stressful periods on the job.

Course Objectives

  • Analyze situations rationally to avoid catastrophizing and overreactions
  • Empathize with unpleasant coworkers to understand why they are behaving badly
  • Recognize how imagining the worst-case scenario can improve your performance
  • Avoid mind-reading to minimize anxiety about how you are perceived


Member Status Price
*Member $0
Nonmember $34    

*Login to access IAAPA member pricing.


 CEUs: .50

 Training Time: 30 minutes

 Language: British English

 Subtitles: British English, European Spanish, Italian

 Key Features: Supplemental Resources, Audio Narration, Inline Activities, Video

3 Month Access - Nonmember Price $34.00
